yay. it'll be the end of my 1st yr in army after march 31st. (Oh yah..double promotion to CPL... meaning COS duties ahead :( ) Hai.. looking back, it seems that I've been thru so much.. AND IT'S ONLY 1 YR!! Wtf. Tekong.. Jurong.. To Nee Soon.. To Jurong.. To Kaki Bukit.. and back to Jurong again... and it's only 365 days :( Can't imagine another 1 yr 2 months in Jurong camp. Sigh. So many things that isn't right and I wish would change.. soon.
Oh well, my long weekend is over. Did nothing much... but I think we guys got something else to do apart from watching movie, drinking coffee and spending money.. that is badminton. Invested in a new racquet today. I hope it improves my play. heh.
Nothing much to look foward too now that the holidays is over. It's gonna be a loooooong April before May comes.. May seems good. 2 public holidays.. 2 long weekends. Haha. Yx coming back in May too, so there.
There goes my 1st yr.. can't smell ORD yet.. hai. Hope the rest of 2005 in this damn SAF would be smooth. Less guard duties.. less COS and more offs!
yeah.. so.. like the topic says.. it's another week again. Hai. nothing to look forward to as well.. maybe just ah phang's chalet on Good Friday. Lala.
The week was pretty fine. specs came back, so far so good. Can play sports together.. talk.. poke fun @ each other. I hope things stay the same and they don't 'ya' us with their '>>>' rank. Went to Zouk mid week to 'participate' in YiEng's hall party. I must have been nuts to actually club on a nights out.. and more ever, the party sux!! LoL. Gonna take that as a $40 donation...that's about it. Mm. Ccl and Yieng seem to be pretty close friends too, even after their breakup.. I guess that's nice, ex-couples staying as friends. Unlike Yunxiong.. Yongrui..etc. Just like losing contact with a closest friend in life.
Applied for courses in SIM, NTU.. gonna try for NUS and SMU. Hai. really regret not studying in JC. Now I'm in such desperate need to find a school for my tertiary education. Oh.. and btw, I passed my Basic Theory. What a fluke. Haha, hope I can start lessons soon and drive a car by this Christmas.. then can bring girl go 'dou feng'. :)
Back to camp again............ hai. oh.. and Happy 20th Bday Jit..
ok..driving test later, nothing much to do now except to wait for my earlier bookout at 4:30 =\ no idea why I wasn't asked to recce the padang area today with the rest... but I've had my fun. heh. wednesday go harbourfront repair camera.. yesterday to padang, having lunch at suntec too. oh well. end of my stay out week. thought everything was fine until last night when my mom started to give problems again. somethings I really wonder wtf is going on in her mind. The way she thinks.. is always as if my father has something against her. fking paranoid. Just at the last night when I stay out... and while everything was going fine all this while, she comes out with some stupid complain telling me that my dad doesn't take her requests for things seriously.. e.g. forgetting to bring her c.c. back from his office, or collecting some fking stupid disc from a relative. It's so fking childish. Can't put herself in his shoes and think? I'm stay out this week, my dad fetches me from camp..then we all have dinner together. What are the chances he has the time to travel all the way to yio chu kang? Cb lah. Regarding the card, she could have simply reminded him IN THE AFTERNOON and I believe he could put the card into his bag.. done. How the hell can she think so far ahead to conclude that he is afraid she will spend his money and all this shit. Damn it man, as much as I treasuer my mother, but her freakin mind is running so while that I am real pissed off with her. I'm not gonna let this break my family up even if it means me dragging her down to a psychiatrist to get her freaking mindset fixed. Never peace at home..