Monday, March 27, 2006 

That blue Monopoly card - Chance.

...take a trip along the Board Walk. Advance to Mayfair

Did we take our chances in life? I know I didn't. Looking back over the years, I was blessed with lots of chances which if taken, could have significantly changed my life for the better. But I was too naive and foolish back then, I was content with the way life was. I was not focused on what I wanted, and how I should shape my future, and it wasn't only just the academics. Just the mundane lifestyle of returning home from school, glued to computer games, building a wall between me and my parents and friends too. 6 years of that and it leads me to where I am now. And that's basically the past and I hope I can learn from it.

Every chance in life would presumably mean an alternate path to take. And most of the time, it's pretty obsure compared to the nicely pebble-paved road that we've been taking which tends to make one overlook it. Thanks to time, I could no longer walk back to that particular fork and pick the other route. I wonder what would have happened if I took my chances with a different secondary school, a polytechnic or doing my education in UK with my cousin. Would I be fretting over a seat in uni if I took my chance to achieve better grades despite being satisfied just passing without effort? Maybe I would be happily attached now if I took my chances instead of just waiting. Or communication in my family would have been much better if I decided to open up to them.
Anyway, next chance I see, I'm definately going to take it into consideration and psyche myself into going for it - which probably is studying abroad.

Still on the topic of chances, and although I had my fair share, I wish I can be given several more. Right now I wish that the Ministry of Education could give me a 2nd chance to make a comeback in life. I long for a girl that is willing to give me a chance, to prove myself worthy of her love and could provide more than just security. And on the lighter side of things.. maybe my dad could give me a chance just to drive his car, alone.

Back to camp in a few hours and I'm already getting sick of it. Like a wild bird caged up again.. having to stay in for a week with so many stuffs to settle. ARrrGh, I want to be free.. and happy like bird!

Saturday, March 25, 2006 

My little post to NUS...

Tried applying for NUS again, 2006. Not really pinning much hope this time since they've rejected me twice. *sigh* But anyway, under the "Outstanding Singular Talent", I wrote this :

This may seem like an indirect appeal to my admission. Still, I would like it to be known that many times have I reflected about what I would like to achieve this lifetime during my 2 years of National Service. I deeply regret the lack of focus I had during my 'A' levels which resulted in me being unable to secure a place in university till now. On the issue of setbacks, I would have had my fair share successively, with my grades dipping since primary school. And fortunately (or unfortunately), it isn't till now have I sober up and realised what I am required to do to make this life worthwhile. Never had I been more determined to pick myself up and start afresh. However sorry for myself it may seem, nothing could be proven unless I am given a second chance. The poor grades would depict what I was like when I was still foolish, which I am sure is now a distant past. I would like to achieve something I could be proud of, to prove the doubters wrong and make a comeback in life, and all I seek now, is an opportunity for that to happen.

I wonder if that would be half convincing enough for my spot. =\ They may probably take my 'talent' as whining anyway. Oh well, back to camp again next week. Things to settle. Hai. Leave form to England, Downgrade status, The shit S4 wants help for, Trying to get excused from Thailand, yada yada. Already in the ORD mood, gonna have a phobia of staying in.

Monday, March 20, 2006 

Now I lack a Maserati and a hot chick beside me! Posted by Picasa


3rd time lucky.. or plain lucky. But it's about time! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006 

And for the third time...

...GOD PLEASE LET ME PASS MY DRIVING TEST! :( Been vexed over this since Friday. Sigh, it'll really be horrible to fail on my THIRD attempt. Everyone else (except for 1) that I know passed by their third. Tho lessons have been a breeze so far, I've always been hearing "you can drive, but you may not pass". Damn bad driving habits are hard to kick. I hope I can put on my best show, just for once, tomorrow. And that I won't make any freak mistakes that warrant an immediate failure.

Peeps out there, Pray for me. >.<

Wednesday, March 08, 2006*ckin' BORED! (whine post)

aarRGh! Clearing leave and I'm complaining! DAMN SIAN AH! I'm rotting at home everyday.. literally. My foot is rotting anyway, and time passes so slow that I think I could see the skin crack if I look hard enough.

Another month to London and till then, I'm spending 2 to 3 WHOLE days at home doing absolutely NOTHING. Flipping through the channels on tv, playing a couple of WC games, read a few chapters of books and eat. Man! I'm of PRIME age and I am wasting 2 precious months of my 21st year! I can't work as I haven't ORD-ed yet, neither can I give tuition as I can't promise to commit on a long term basis. I can't find people to go out with as they are either at school, camp or in Australia. *sigh* I can't possibly go out with Jit everyday too or soon people are gonna get convinced that we're fresh off the set of Brokeback Mountain! I'm unable to go out alone, catch a movie etc as I'm saving for my trip too. =\ Grrraaagh.

Even if I can arrange my weeks such that I spend 1 day at the gym/pool, another day just out with jit, another day for cycling.. it only takes ONE idle day
to get me bitching like this. My body clock has gone haywire too - I've been sleeping 3 to 4 hrs a day for the past 2 weeks, 2 hrs less than my usual. Don't wish to sleep, can't sleep and still think that sleeping is a waste of time.

And since this is a bitch post, I shall bitch about the testers at CDC again. My friend didn't fail when he curbed during his test today! Just what the hell? SECOND example to show that the modhafookers there are biased to hell. And I failed just because they THINK I drove w/out confidence or dangerously? me a scratch on the damn car to prove it! Worse yet, my mom passed her driving today.. and she just can't get over with it. Damn! 2 weeks away from my test and if I fail the next time round, expect a case of arson at Ubi.



Saturday, March 04, 2006 

As 'requested'

Was reading thru blogs and I notied my name somewhere.
"Another four people who should also do this"
Some bulletin-like notice like those from Friendster. And since I have time, and yet to do one, might as well stick 1 on my blog.

Four things/people that make me smile:
My parents being happy. My friends being happy. Fact that I am ORDing soon. Compliments.

Four ways to win my heart:
None that I know of. I am attracted when I am attracted.

Four things I believe in:
God. Retribution. Second chances. Forging one's happiness.

Four things I fear:
Clowns. Extra duties. Another academic failure. Death?

Four things I do everyday:
Breathe. Eat. Shower. Type.

Four things/people I want to see now:
Myself being successful. My girlfriend-to-be. My maker. My pink IC.

Four people who should also do this:
Any four of my friends with a blog to pin this up

Alright. End of an insignificant post. Time to sleep

Friday, March 03, 2006 

At last some things being done over 2 weeks..

Alright! Jit's mom gave the green light and the flight tickets have been booked! Woopidoo! Flying to London with a short transit at Brunei on the 7th of April, and will be returning on the 20th. Gonna be loooong flight but let's hope it's worth it. Lotsa things to see man.. London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tralfagar Sq, Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey, Harrod's @ Knightsbridge, Oxford Circus and its shopping area, Chinatown, OLD TRAFFORD in Manchester, Jamie Oliver's kitchen and many more. Think I'm gonna be a happy snapper there. woots. I hope Jit's capable of taking photos more decent than my parents in Australia . =\ No one to control us, power! I can make passes at all the British redheads, smoke all I want, drink all I want, roam where I want! Maybe even visit the British showgirls! Haw haw. Riiight, I'm pretty sure I won't have enough money for all those anyway.

What's outstanding now would be accomodation which I wouldn't think will be a problem. Parents gonna sponsor at least $1k on it, so it should be more than enough for bed and breakfasts hotels. What's a 2 star hotel compared to Jurong Camp Lvl 4 bunk anyway? So long I don't have to share the toilets, I'm glad. Don't want some lousy ang moh laughing when he sees a shorter yellow prick. :( Meeting up with Jit later to settle the itinerary and we'll be set to go!

Managed to fix my appointment for the dental surgery on May 2nd. Urgh, looks like I've to remove 2 wisdom teeth! The dentist kept insisting that it'll be better to remove both than to leave 1 above an empty space. Twice the pain! Twice the blood! I'm gonna dread returning from London as it's gonna be the damn extraction next. The bottom tooth looks bad. Cause of its horizontal position, my gums need to be slit open, tooth crushed and then removed! God. Sick. I had bad experiences while extracting my 4 canine tooth during braces. Could feel the tug and the twist on the tooth despite the L.A., and worse still, I was choking on my blood! I can't fathom how bad it'll be this time round. *prays*

Driving lesson tomorrow.. had to reluctantly spend $60 on it as my dad is so adamant that I can't practice on his car w/out a license. I hope 5 hrs of sleep is sufficient.

Interesting months so far this year. It seem to alternate between relaxation and stress. :Jan - Despite the numerous holidays, I had lotsa duties. Also worried about how to siam SOC
Feb - Realised I could clear leave early. Managed to siam SOC. Downgraded to C2L2
Mar - Need to pass driving test. For the fugging 3rd time already! Might have guard duties. Had to plan trip
Apr - Off to London! Siam 2 weeks of duties or whatsoever crap reason I may get recalled to camp for
May - Wisdom tooth extraction. Thailand, Cresendo again! Sigh
Jun - ORD! Actually it ends right after the Cresendo.