Tuesday, December 12, 2006 

The uncharted waters...

I found myself in a very unfamiliar terriority as this week began. I'm thrilled, yet filled with the many uncertainties like how things will turn out. Will I meet the expectations? Will I lose control of myself? Will I misplace my priorities? Will I discover things about myself that I never knew?

Already approaching the rocky path but I guess such an arduous journey is inevitable, and could only hope that regardless of whatever happens, consequences embodying the best interests would await.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 

The trimester so far...

Back from a little soul-searching session that began with a short falling out with my dad over school work. Stress's been building up after several failed attempts (or no progress)on the recent accounting assignment. Plus my dad barging into my room and accusing me of gaming even before confirming it just fueled the outburst. Time invested with no returns on my work is bad enough, accusing me of even not spending time just made it worse.

In the blink of an eye, I'm almost halfway through my 2nd trimester. Honestly, I have not settled down yet. (Possibly due to the excessive gaming as well) At this point in time during my previous trimester, I could say that I'd a good understanding and confidence level for at least 2 subjects, namely accounting and microeconomics, with marketing being the only one that constantly posed a problem to me.

Instead, over a month into the new trimester, and the subject which I had the most confidence initially, is driving me to wit's end. In my opinion, the new teacher I have for accounting is total crap. Upon reading up in advance, I usually begin his lessons with some queries and doubts but leave only with more. His answers are seldom to the point, and more often than not, regurgitates what is written in the handbook instead of explaining the logic behind the standards. Is accounting that difficult a topic? Or is this certain fella just that incompetent?

I barely grasp macroeconomics and business statistics while business law so far has been more of a story telling session. At the rate things are going, Australia may have to wait another 5 months. *Sigh*

Due to the subjectiveness in the questions for this accounting module, my dad couldn't and (maybe) shouldn't help me anymore, plus
the irresponsible tutor that care about his pay and not the future of his students, I'm all alone now. I guess I over-relied on my dad so far and he has the rights to fault me for doing insufficient reading and playing too much games. In any case, it's REALLY time to wake up from the extended slumber since my post on October 28. >.<

If my dad could get his ACCA without any tutelage, perhaps some of his good genes would've passed onto me, so I could pass my measly accounting module. 20 days to Christmas, and getting myself a guaranteed transition to Clayton would make the perfect present.