Monday, April 16, 2007 

wooo hooo!! Onwards to my 2nd year!

Dear Mr TAN

Monash ID No.: 19910428 (Please quote in all correspondence)
Full Offer for Semester 2,2007

Congratulations. I am delighted to offer you admission to Monash University as an international student. You
have received a full offer into the BACHELOR OF COMMERCE AND BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS.

Byyyyeeee SINGAPORE!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007 

okaaay... 1st day at work

Finally found myself a job, and a rather relevant one too, as an accounts assistant at Philip Securities. As much as it may sound as if I am employed as a security guard, and despite the miserable salary, at least I will be getting some experience related to the degrees I'm pursuing. (...which I hope I am)

As of now, I'm pretty much stuck to this till the end of June, that means less WoW, supper and possibly less time for my gf too. It's so abrupt.. just yesterday I could game and laze around all I wanted, and today, I see myself sitting 9 hrs in an office everyday for a few months.

Just a day of work, and my free time seems so precious. The few hours at night which I'd usually game away just turned into invaluable leisure time. urgh... to think I will have 40 yrs of this in time to come. :(