How time flies..
A month ago, I was stressed out by my 1st exam paper - Marketing.
A year ago, I was around Kachanburi in Thailand, probably getting some well deserved rest on the jeep while freezing my ass off. (The mountainous region in Thailand can get really cold at night)
Two years back, I am in the middle of my summary exercise at Recce Training Wing. Sleeping in a wet shellscrape at this time of the night and itching all over.
And 3 years back, I was at the brink of committing what would be one of the biggest regrets in my life - Taking the A lvls totally unprepared.
It is almost 4 am in the morning and I am bored. Another 58 days to Christmas and as much I wish I could be carefree by then, I'll probably end up rushing through the assignments.
Poor start to the trimester so far. Haven't been paying much attention in class, often feeling very lethargic and sleepy and still gaming. *Slaps himself* Better wake up soon.. or rather, get to sleep since it's already 4.